Tarantino Trivia!!

1. Quentin Tarantino's first script was:

a. Reservoir Dogs
b. Pulp Fiction
c. True Romance
d. My Best Friend's Birthday

Tarantino's first script was My Best Friend's Wedding. His first succesful film was Reservoir Dogs

2. Inglorious Basterds was nominated to:

a. 6 Oscars
b. 8 Oscars
c. 1 Oscar
d. 4 Oscars

Inglorious Basterds was nominated to 8 Oscars! It should've won them all...

3. Quentin Tarantino has written this many films:

a. 12
b. 10
c. 19
d. 15

19 is the total of feature films written by Quentin Tarantino to date

4. Quentin Tarantino's won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay in 1995 for:

a. Reservoir Dogs
b. Pulp Fiction
c. Jackie Brown
d. From Dusk 'til Dawn

Pulp Fiction earn Tarantino's first Oscar. It was also nominated for best movie, which it should have won...

5. In Reservoir Dogs, the code names for each character are:

a. Mr. Magenta, Mr. Burnette, Mr. Orange, Mr. Velvet, Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue
b. Mr. Pink, Mr. Green, Mr Black, Mr Orange, Mr. Yellow and Mr. Navy
c. Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown
d. Mr. Fuscia, Mr. Black, Mr. Green, Mr. Orange, Mr. Red and Mr. Blonde

The correct answer is C. Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr. White, Mr. Blonde, Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown

6. This italian composer has collaboreted with Quentin Tarantino in many of his films:

a. Egisto Macchi
b. Ennio Morricone
c. Ennio Porrino
d. Enzo Masetti

Ennio Morricone is a longtime collaborator of Quentin Tarantino. He won his first Oscar with the Score of The Hateful Eight